Kisses blown are kisses wasted.
Kisses blown are kisses wasted. kisses are not kisses unless they are tasted. kisses spread germs and germs are hated. but you can kiss me baby i am vaccinated
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what kisses mean!KISS ON HAND=i adore u, KISS ON CHEEK=lets be friends, KISS ON NECK=i want u, KISS ON LIPS=i love u, KISS ANYWHERE ELSE=...lets not get carried away!
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

Kissing you baby is my dream. I am strawberry & you are the cream. Handle me gently keep me real keen.U & i together babes is passion so extreme!
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

A peach is a peach.a plum is a plum.a kiss is not a kiss unless its with open ur mouth & close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise.
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

A kiss is special thing that you can cant take without giving, and you cant give without taking.
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you... When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you... When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you... Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you."
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

Will you love me in December as you do in May,Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?When my hair has all turned gray,Will you kiss me then and say,That you love me in December as you do in May?".
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

"Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; Then to that twenty, add a hundred more: A thousand to that hundred: so kiss on, To make that thousand up a million. Treble that million, and when that is done, Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun."
What is kiss?
A kiss is an inquiry in the upper Floor about vacancy in the lower floor.
If a kiss was a raindrop id send u showers.
If a kiss was a raindrop id send u showers.if a hug was a second id send u hours.if a smile was water id send u a sea.if love was a person id send u me!
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

SMAK ... A mobile kiss... Keep your mobile close to your ear!

my heart is made 2 luv u, my lips are made to kis u, my eyes r made 2 see u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!

I will give you one kiss to go to sleep. I give you two kisses to dream. I give you an endless row of kisses to, when you wake up in the morning, think of me.
Kiss Me SMS in English Masseges

Benefits of Kissing ;Changes taste;Burns Calories;Lips never go dry;Relieves Stress;Makes face muscles strong;So KEEP KISSING:

love is the name,kiss is the game forget the name lets play the game.
Whats life ? Life is love. Whats love ? Love is kissing. Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you!
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Just a kiss can't make my heart ache. Just a kiss can't make me fall. Just a kiss can't make my whole world shake. But your kiss did it all. I don't pretend to know love's mysteries but baby I know this; when you touched your lips to mine, it was more than just a kiss.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth - and endures all the rest.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Your kiss came as a suprise, something remarkable, something sensational. You unlocked my sealed lips, and I would allow you to do it again.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kiss till the cow comes home. - Francis Beaumont
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Why does a man take it for granted that a girl who flirts with him wants him to kiss her - when, nine times out of ten, she only wants him to want to kiss her?
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Do you ask me only a kiss ?
Do you know what it means for me?
Everything. With a kiss you give me
The hell and the heaven, the smile and
The tears, the courage and the fear…
..a kiss means to be still us.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kissing is like real estate. The most important thing is location, location, location.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kiss till the cow comes home.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Whenever you feel a shiver on your neck, you know love is right behind you, kissing your neck.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A kiss is not a kiss without love.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Be plain in dress, and sober in your diet; In short, my deary, kiss me, and be quiet.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
One kind kiss before we part,
Drop a tear and bid adieu;
Though we sever, my fond heart
Till we meet shall pant for you.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A kiss is like chocolate cake... Once you've had it you can never get enough.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
What matters most is the connection that grows after two people's lips have met.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me, hold me like you never let me go .
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If I could kiss you now, I'd kiss you now again and again, till I don't know where I begin and where you end.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A simple kiss can make a Forever Love, and a Forever Love brings millions of those kisses.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
A kiss is only special when your lips are the only ones receiving that special touch. It has no meaning if it is given out to others.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kissing keeps our mouths from speaking because silence is where souls meet.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
You should be kissed and often
And by someone who knows how - Rhett Butler
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
We made a plan at school to meet in her garage and kiss. It was like this little business deal. I kissed her and then I ran home (on his first girlfriend) - Brad Pitt
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kissing is the best expression of love.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Some women blush when they are kissed, some call for the police, some swear, some bite. But, the worst are those who laugh.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
I once heard that, 'To love is to be vulnerable.' That is very true, but to kiss is to be brave enough to take the risk.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
I kiss the soil as if I placed a kiss on the hands of a mother, for the homeland is our earthly mother. I consider it my duty to be with my compatriots in this sublime and difficult moment. - Pope John Paul II
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If snowflakes were kisses I would send you a blizzard.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
My first crush was Barry Manilow. He performed on TV and I taped it. When no was around I'd kiss the screen. - Janet Jackson
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Your kiss is like an eternal bliss never to be forgotten.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tight.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
I wasn't kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If a kiss was just a kiss, then why would you love that feeling you get when you can't believe he took your breath away? If a heart was just a heart, then why do we express our love? If he was just a guy, then why does he take your breath away while saying he loves you?
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Got a gift 4 u! No cost! No batteries required! Tax free,
Performs silently, extremely personal!
Fully returnable! Its a kiss from ME 2 U.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
May our last kisses be many years from now and taste of one another's lips.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
In the end, though I may thirst for her, these lips were graced by a sweet taste from the spring of her love.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it. - Christian Nestell Bovee
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
There's a kiss 2 say I luv u,
There's a kiss 2 say its true,
But the kiss I luv
The best is the one I got from u!.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
When my lips touch yours, I float among the clouds as if I were an angel.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If you give me your kiss for breakfast, your hug for lunch and your love for dinner, I promise you will never catch me eating elsewhere, because I have no reason to do so.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup, And i'll not look for wine. - Ben Jonson
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
By my eyes I met you
By my soft hands I touched you
By my lips I kissed you
By my heart I loved you!
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Kissing you is like dancing in the rain; it is an exciting kind of sensation that you can't help but fall in love with.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
The kiss, a sweet discovery
Of oneself after a long search
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Letters are like kisses when you are not here!
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Every breath that leaves my lips breathes a dream of your tender kiss.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If I could bring back memories I would bring the first day I kissed you I look you in the eyes and felt love. Thank god an angel came into my life!
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
He brushed the hair away from my face.
As he leaned in I took a deep breath.
I closed my eyes as our lips met.
The feelings I had, I never did expect.
My lips went warm and my body felt tingly.
My heartbeat rose as we went apart.
Has he caught my breath? We looked and
Smiled then said good bye. The way I felt I coudn't keep inside.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
Never KISS a lady police,
She will say, hands up.
Never KISS a lady doctor,
She will say, Next please
Always KISS a lady teacher,
She will say, repeat it 5 times
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
If you kiss someone that you do not love it's great. But just think of kissing someone that you truly and madly are in love with. There is no greater feeling than that.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
I never thought that love could feel like this - then you changed my world with just one kiss.
~ Kiss SMS Text Message
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